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Two Bards, One Mic |
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Intro music by Randall Marsh
Description: Weeks in Review; Z Nation, Theatre Seats, Ready Player One; AirDnD; Lots of movies and games referenced; BQotW; Questions and Answers.
0:00:53. Weeks in Review
+ Z Nation (IMDB)
+ Zack Ward (IMDB)
+ Renton Civic Theatre (web)
+ The Air D&D Experience (Airbnb)
+ Two Bards promotional video for The Air D&D Experience (YouTube)
+ Incredibles 2 (IMDB)
0:27:00. Andy Rants on RP1 (spoilers!)
+ Ready Player One (IMDB)
0:40:00. Other Movies
+ Annihilation (IMDB)
+ The Emoji Movie (IMDB)
+ Hanna Gadsby: Nanette (IMDB)
+ The Greatest Showman (IMDB)
+ Moulin Rouge! (IMDB)
+ The 15:17 to Paris (IMDB)
+ Monster House (IMDB)
0:51:40. Video Games
+ Sea of Thieves (amazon)
+ NieR: Automata (amazon)
+ Alice: Madness Returns (amazon)
+ Panzer Dragoon Orta (amazon)
+ BattleFront II (amazon)
+ Lumines (amazon)
+ Lego Indiana Jones (amazon)
+ What Remains of Edith Finch (amazon)
+ Resident Evil 7 (amazon)
1:09:50. BQoTW
BQoTW #213. If you made a film, what roles would you cast Scott and Andy in?
BQoTW #214. If you made a film, what roles would you cast Scott and Andy in?
1:12:30. Dennis Nichol. What is the story behind Computie?
1:21:49. Hawke Robinson. Have you tried out the Star Wars Jedi Challenge AR set, or any other AR systems?
+ Microsoft Adaptive Controller (microsoft)
1:26:24. Hawke Robinson. How about wireless VR systems?
1:29:57. Hawke Robinson. What is your preferred DSLR?
+ Nikon DSLR Cameras (nikonusa)
1:38:48. Rob MacLennan. Are there any little chainmail or leather items you guys might find useful?
1:42:08. Rob MacLennan. Do you have a single favourite project that you've been in?
Patreon support for this episode provided by...
Hawke Robinson, James Peters, Leslie Sedlak, Rob MacLennan, Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, Gordon D. Duke, Dennis Nichol, Jay Blancken, Casey Lee, Douggie Sharp, Todd McKimmey, Lotta Djerf, Tom Brophy, Laura Adams, James Herbert, Beau Prichard, Tim Martin, Brad Roberts, Jenifer Rifenbery, and Rival Guy.
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