Two Bards, One Mic – Episode 195: Holiday Special 2017

Holiday Special 2017

Direct link

Intro music by Randall Marsh

Description: Holiday Special 2017 with guests Brian Lewis and Erin Weathers.

Embedded Video of the Episode 195

0:00:00. Kickass Stranger Things Intro

** Times are for the YouTube video. Subtract 22 seconds for the podcast **

0:01:50. Weeks in Review
+ A Christmas Story Live (Fox)

0:10:06: How do you feel about Disney buying 20th Century Fox?

0:15:05. Livestream comments/questions
+ Lord of the Rings TV Series Coming to Amazon (NYTimes)

+ Legion (IMDB)
+ Tree and Leaf by J.R.R. Tolkien (Amazon)

0:34:00. Holiday Traditions?

0:48:38. Baby It's Cold Outside

0:52:00. Good King Wenceslas

0:56:24. Erin Weathers joins in

0:56:24. Erin Weathers joins in

0:59:00. Bardic Question(s) of the Week
+ Two Bards on Discord
BQotW #194: Bardcast length, is it: a) Just right as it is, 2 hours + is fine; b) Please divide into parts, no longer than 60 min; or c) Never make it much more than 60 minutes? Also, preferred listening format: a) Stereo or b) Mono?

1:13:05. What gift(s) do you want for this holiday?

1:21:08. Are you going to stay with Patreon?

Questions and Answers 
+ To submit via DISCORD post your question in the #podcast-q-and-a channel

1:31:44. Rob MacLennan. What is your best mentoring experience from either side of the equation?

1:38:50. Casey Lee. Can we just let Drew Karpyshyn and Timothy Zhan write all the Star Wars films from now on?

Post questions in Discord #ask-the-bards for new questions and  #bqotw-answers to answer Bardic Questions of the Week.

Patreon support for this podcast provided by...
Rival Guy, Jenifer Rifenbery, Brad Robert, Paula Moran, Tim Martin, Beau Prichard, James Herbert, Laura Adams, Tom Brophy, Lotta Djerf, Amanda Cook, Todd McKimmey, Douggie Sharp, Jay Blancken, DigbyDavis LLC, Gordon D. Duke, James Peters, Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, Rob MacLennan, Leslie Sedlak, and Hawke Robinson.
