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Intro music by Randall Marsh

0:00:37. Weeks in Review
+ @OccamsMonkey (Twitter)
+ Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (IMDB)
+ AJA System Test (AJA)
+ One+5T Android Phone (oneplus)
0:34:36. Andy Rants on Razer and Razer Phone
+ Razer Phone (razerzone)
0:38:25. More on the One+ 5T charging, pros and cons
1:00:22. Bardic Question of the Week
+ Two Bards on Discord+ Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (IMDB)
+ AJA System Test (AJA)
+ One+5T Android Phone (oneplus)
0:34:36. Andy Rants on Razer and Razer Phone
+ Razer Phone (razerzone)
0:38:25. More on the One+ 5T charging, pros and cons
1:00:22. Bardic Question of the Week
BQotW #192: What is your biggest technological gripe? Any technology is up for discussion here, computer, phone, car, transit, toasters, whatever.
+ White Rabbit Project (IMDB)
BQotW #193: Submitted by James Peters: What are your favorite and least favorite Holiday Songs?
+ Listening While Feminist: In Defense of "Baby, It's Cold Outside" (persephonemagazine)
Questions and Answers
+ To submit via DISCORD post your question in the #podcast-q-and-a channel
1:52:40. Rob MacLennan. Can you think of a TV series, other than the one in Lodge's rant, that ended too soon and deserved another season?
+ Deadwood (IMDB)
+ Carnivale (IMDB)
+ Family Tree (IMDB)
+ Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (IMDB)
1:52:40. Hawke Robinson. In episode 152, Scott C. Brown talked about acting and that it is sometimes tough to not get upset by characters treatment of your character and to remind yourself that it's just a play. Have you ever played an intense enough RPG game to have similar experiences? If you, how have either of you addressed it? Has it ever been serious enough that you couldn't resolve it?
2:10:10. Net Neutrality.
Patreon support for this podcast provided by...
Rival Guy, Jenifer Rifenbery, Brad Robert, Paula Moran, Tim Martin, Beau Prichard, James Herbert, Laura Adams, Tom Brophy, Lotta Djerf, Amanda Cook, Todd McKimmey, Douggie Sharp, Jay Blancken, DigbyDavis LLC, Gordon D. Duke, James Peters, Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, Rob MacLennan, Leslie Sedlak, and Hawke Robinson.
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