Intro music by Randall Marsh

00:02:10. Weeks in Review
+ Titan Vid Card (Amazon)
+ Scott's Stolen Prelude (Facebook)+ Titan Vid Card (Amazon)
00:20:47. ***SPOILER ALERT*** Star Trek: Discovery & The Orville
+ Star Trek: Discovery (IMDB)
+ The Orville (IMDB)
+ I Hit It With My Axe (YouTube)
00:43:52. Cuphead Review
+ Cuphead (web)
01:03:45. HOB and other games
+ HOB (YouTube)
+ Glitch the Game (web)
01:10:50. Two Bards DISCORD
+ You've been invited! (discordapp.com)
01:23:24. Bardic Question of the Week
BQotW #185: Who do you turn to for technical help?
BQotW #186: What are your fun but challenging games (of any variety/type) and what keeps you playing them?
Questions and Answers
+ To submit via Twitter: tag @TwoBards with the hashtag #TwoBardsPodcast
+ To submit via Facebook: post directly on the Two Bards Productions page.
1:51:26. Rob MacLennan. There has been a fair bit of buzz about a TV series based on Judge Dredd, or rather the movie "Dredd" instead of the craptstic "Judge Dredd" which was merely a vehicle of Stallone. Karl Urban is said to be in talks to star. Any thoughts?
1:24:25. Rob MacLennan. I noticed the drone in the live video from the set of ATS's portion of "DH:SoL." Was this the first time one of you has had the chance to play with a drone? I don't recall any drone shots from previous works.
02:03:08. Matthew Hunt. What is the worst technical malfunction or meltdown you've ever encountered?
02:07:14. Matthew Hunt. Did you hear the awesome news yet? Maggie and Christian are officially getting hitched! HUZZAH and EXCELSIOR!
+ Masters of the Metaverse (YouTube)
02:09:30. Tom Brophy. What do you think of the Rick and Morty show and the different voice types on it?
+ Rick and Morty (IMDB)
+ R&M Szechuan Sauce Story (CNBC)
Patreon support for this podcast provided by...
Hawke Robinson, Leslie Sedlak, Rob MacLennan, Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, James Peters, Gordon D. Duke, DigbyDavis LLC, Justin Everett, Douggie Sharp, Todd McKimmey, Amanda Cook, Lotta Djerf, Tom Brophy, Laura Adams, James Herbert, Adam Moore, Tim Martin, Paula Moran, Brad Roberts, Jenifer Rifenbery, and Rival Guy.
Neil deGrasse Tyson, if you're listening....
+ Neil deGrasse Tyson: Web | Facebook | StarTalk Radio | Patreon
+ Cosmos [IMDB]
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