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Intro music by Randall Marsh
Description:Weeks in Review: Plumbing Woes, Scott's Website, Wigan, Demon Hunters: SOL shoot, Zelda. Discussions: Legion, Logan. Questions: Multi-lingual Puns, Bagpipes, Post Apocalyptic Characters, Time Travel Movies, One Man (Two Bard) shows we'd like to do.
00:00:49. Weeks in Review.
+ ScottCBrown.Actor (Web)+ Wigan, UK (Wikipedia)
+ Barbecue in Wigan
+ (web)
+ Blackmagic Design URSA Mini Pro (Amazon)
+ Demon Hunters: Slice of Life (Facebook)
+ Pythian Temple (Tacoma, WA) (Wikipedia)
+ The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo)
00:35:10. Legion Discussion
+ Legion (IMDB)
+ Aubrey Plaza (IMDB)
00:47:12. Logan Discussion *Spoiler Alert*
+ Logan (IMDB)
+ Stephen Merchant (IMDB)
+ Hello Ladies (IMDB)
+ Burke and Hare (IMDB)
+ Logan Official Trailer #1 (YouTube)
+ The Last of Us (NaughtyDog)
Questions and Answers
+ To submit via Twitter: tag @TwoBards with the hashtag #TwoBardsPodcast
+ To submit via Facebook: post directly on the Two Bards Productions page.
01:41:30. Rival Guy. I've been enjoying the Rival Jouer! On that note, what are your favorite multi-lingual puns?
01:44:20. Rob MacLennan. So how is Scott coming along with the bagpipes? or did that get dropped in favour of travel for the moment?
01:48:58. Paula Moran. If you were in a Mad Max style post apocalyptic movie what kind of character would you play and how would you design your costume?
01:51:04. Rob MacLennan. I've been watching a lot of time travel movies, lately, and spotting the plot holes. Do you have a favourite time travel movie?
01:44:20. Rob MacLennan. So how is Scott coming along with the bagpipes? or did that get dropped in favour of travel for the moment?
01:48:58. Paula Moran. If you were in a Mad Max style post apocalyptic movie what kind of character would you play and how would you design your costume?
01:51:04. Rob MacLennan. I've been watching a lot of time travel movies, lately, and spotting the plot holes. Do you have a favourite time travel movie?
+ Twelve Monkeys (IMDB)
+ Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (IMDB)
+ Back to the Future (IMDB)
01:53:33. Thomas Brophy. Hey gents, If you could do a one man show (or a two bards show ;), what would you do and why?
+ Castle Rock (IMDB)
+ Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (IMDB)
+ Back to the Future (IMDB)
01:53:33. Thomas Brophy. Hey gents, If you could do a one man show (or a two bards show ;), what would you do and why?
+ Castle Rock (IMDB)
Patreon support for this podcast provided by...
William Hawkes-Robinson, Leslie Sedlak, Jay Blanken, Rob MacLennan, Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, James Peters, Gordon D. Duke, DigbyDavis LLC, Yokona Tahashi, Douggie Sharp, Todd McKimmey, Amanda Cook, Lotta Djerf, Tom Brophy, Laura Adams, James Herbert, Adam Morey, Tim Martin, Paula Moran, Brad Roberts, Jenifer Rifenbery, and Rival Guy.
Neil deGrasse Tyson, if you're listening....
+ Neil deGrasse Tyson: Web | Facebook | StarTalk Radio | Patreon
+ Cosmos [IMDB]
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