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Intro music by Randall Marsh
Description: Weeks in Review, Special Guest #1, Stories, Special Guest #2, more stories, Special Guest #3, Introductions, Questions and Answers
00:59. Weeks in Review
+ Audiobox (PreSonus)
+ Tumblestone (web)
+ DOOM (web)
+ Lexar 200GB MicroSD (Lexar)
26:28. Special Guest #1
+ Brian S. Lewis (Facebook | Twitter | IMDB)
+ Spikeball (Amazon)
+ Marisa Tomei (IMDB)
49:14. Special Guest #2
+ Michael Dopieralski
1:01:05. Special Guest #3
+ Jenifer Gillis Rifenbery (Facebook)
1:08:17. Brian Lewis -- to listeners: What are your favorite podcasts or favorite podcast moments?
Comments/Letters. Email the Bards at TheBards@twobards.com
Questions and Answers.
+ To submit via Twitter: tag @TwoBards with the hashtag #TwoBardsPodcast
+ To submit via Facebook: post directly on the Two Bards Productions page.
1:10:04. Hawke Robinson. Did you know about the RPGs in prison banned?
1:24:06. Rob MacLennan. Burroughs, Wells, Huxley, Verne, Shelly..... If you have one, what is your favourite olde-timey Sci-Fi story? Say, up to the 1950s.
1:29:09. Scott C. Brown. Favorite black/white movie monster.
1:33:33. Jenifer Gillis Rifenbery. Favorite TV show with monsters.
1:43:13. James Peters. What are you favorite cocktails? Do either of you have any experience with, or interest in quadcopter "drones" or similar?
1:54:36. Rob MacLennan. So a big Hollywood studio taps you to make a big budget movie. $100M+. There's just one catch; it's got to be a (blech!) remake of some mush beloved property from years gone by. So what do you do? Make a piece that's honest to the source? Update it for a modern market? Zoolander the crap out of that puppy? Something else?
Neil deGrasse Tyson, if you're listening....
+ Neil deGrasse Tyson: Web | Facebook | StarTalk Radio | Patreon
+ Cosmos [IMDB]
Patreon support for this podcast provided by...
Hawke Robinson, Lesley Sedlak, Jay Blanken, Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, Bradley Swan, Gordon D. Duke, DigbyDavis LLC, Paula Moran, Amanda Cook, Todd Mckinney, Mark Bevier, James Herbert, Adam Moore, Mike Thompson, Tim Martin, Rob MacLennan, Lotta Djerf, Laura Adams, Tom Brophy, Donald Evans, Douggie Sharp, Justin Everett, Brad Roberts, Jenifer Rifenbery, Rival Guy, and Chad Jones.
Bardic Quest: Thank you so much for your support! We appreciate all of you for listening, reading and participating. If you wouldn't mind leaving an HONEST review on iTunes, we would love you even more ;)
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