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Intro music by Randall Marsh
Description: Weeks in Review, Shout outs, Questions and Answers
01:23. Weeks in review
+ JourneyQuest (IMDB)
+ ECCC (web)
+ Super Geeked Up (web)
+ Kairos Productions (web)
+ ToyRescueMission.org (web)
+ Cards Against Humanity (web)
+ Beau M.K. Prichard (facebook)
11:26. Shout outs from ECCC
+ Phil Foglio, Studio Foglio (web)
+ Darth Maul: Apprentice (YouTube)
+ Con Man (IMDB)
24:40. Shout outs from JQ3
+ Depth (IMDB)
+ Starr Mazer DSP Announcement (web)
Comments/Letters. Email the Bards at TheBards@twobards.com
Questions and Answers. + To submit via Twitter: tag @TwoBards with the hashtag #TwoBardsPodcast
+ To submit via Facebook: post directly on the Two Bards Productions page.
31:37. Seth Davis. Typhonic Beats breaks 20,000 pageviews.
32:31. Rob MacLennan. Is there a piece of tech hardware that you're currently lusting after?
+ Intel 750 Series 1.2TB PCI-e Internal Solid State Drive (amazon)
+ Nvidia GTX 1080 chip set (wccftech)
+ Origin PC laptop (origin)
+ $10K MacPro vs $10k PC - 2015 (YouTube)
41:38. Paula Moran. What's the strangest pc and/or npc relationship situation you've ever experienced?
47:04. Rob MacLennan. Along the lines of Paula's question, is there a process you use to create your RPG characters? Do you work from the outside, in (create the concept and then make it fit the rules) or from the inside, out (create the character by the rules and then figure out who he is)?
+ Trolls vs Vikings (megapop)
Neil deGrasse Tyson, if you're listening....
+ Neil deGrasse Tyson: Web | Facebook | StarTalk Radio | Patreon
+ Cosmos [IMDB]
+ We may not be running out of helium after all (gizmag)
Patreon support for this podcast provided by...
Chad Jones, Rival Guy, Jenifer Rifenbery, Brad Roberts, Britney Bemley, Justin Everett, Douggie Sharp, Donald Evans, Tom Brophy, Laura Adams, Lotta Djerf, Rob MacLennan, Tim Martin, Mike Thompson, Matthew Hunt, Adam Moore, James Herbert, Mike Ott, Mark Bevier, Amanda Cook, Paula Moran, DigbyDavis LLC, Gordon D. Duke, Bradley Swan, Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, Todd McKimmey, Lesley Sedlak, and William Hawkes-Robinson.
Bardic Quest: Thank you so much for your support! We appreciate all of you for listening, reading and participating. If you wouldn't mind leaving an HONEST review on iTunes, we would love you even more ;)
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