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Intro music by Randall Marsh
Description: Paris, Weeks in Review, Bard v Bard: Best TV Episode Ever, Questions and Answers
+ November 2015 Paris attacks (wiki)
08:18. Weeks in Review
+ Fallout 4 (web)
+ Rise of the Tomb Raider (xbox)
+ Starcraft 2 (battle.net)
+ Windows 10 November update (microsoft)
+ Big Fish Games (web)
+ Intel Compute Stick (amazon)
+ i7 Intel NUK (amazon)
+ Blackmagic 4K (amazon)
+ Uptown Espresso (velvetfoam.com)
+ Dead.FM episode 18 (web)
+ The Veteran's Day Project (Pocket Theater)
24:01. Bard v Bard: What is your favorite episode of television?
+ Star Trek: The Next Generation, s5e25 "The Inner Light" (IMDB)
+ Futurama, s6e10. "The Prisoner of Benda" (IMDB)
+ Marve's Daredevil - Hallway Fight Scene (YouTube)
+ Scrubs, s3e14."My Screwup" (IMDB)
+ Twilight Zone, s1e8 "Time Enough at Last" (IMDB)
+ Sons of Anarchy, s5e3. "Laying Pipe" (IMDB)
+ Firefly, s1e5. "Out of Gas" (IMDB)
+ Firefly, s1e9. "War Stories" (IMDB)
48:07. Questions.
+ To submit via Twitter: tag @TwoBards with the hashtag #TwoBardsPodcast
+ To submit via Facebook: post directly on the Two Bards Productions page.
48:50. Brian Lewis. Can you explain the letters thing again? What are people supposed to do?
53:24. Brian Lewis. 2 different pitches on a Western you'd like to make. could be audio, film, extraordinary, trad, etc.
+ The Ballad of Westerado (Facebook, Imagos Films)
+ Glitch s1e5. "The Crazy One" (YouTube)
1:01:40. ThomasBrophy. Now that
+ Bring Back MST3K (Kickstarter)
1:05:22. RPG Research. Space asteroid mining rights, where do we stand?
+ EVE Online (web) 1:05:22. RPG Research. Space asteroid mining rights, where do we stand?
1:06:28. Paula Moran. I really like the idea of a Natural 20 radio play and/or a possible webcomic.
What do you guys argue about?
+ Paula Moran alternate costume (facebook)
+ MythBusters (IMDB)
1:10:48 RPG Research. Either of you have any problem with SADs?
Patreon support for this podcast provided by...
William Hawkes-Robinson, Lesley Sedlak, Todd McKimmey, Donald Evans, Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, Bradley Swan, Trampas Johnson, Gordon D. Duke, DigbyDavis LLC, Paula Moran, Amanda Cook, Mark Bevier, James Herbert, Adam Moore, Matthew Hunt, Mike Thompson, Tim Martin, Rob MacLennan, Lotta Djerf, Laura Adams, Tom Brophy, Tom Stewart, Douggie Sharp, Justin Everett, Britney Bemley, Brad Roberts, Jenifer Rifenbery, Rival Guy, and Chad Jones
Neil deGrasse Tyson, if you're listening....
+ Neil deGrasse Tyson: Web | Facebook | StarTalk Radio | Patreon
+ Cosmos [IMDB]
Bardic Quest: Thank you so much for your support! We appreciate all of you for listening, reading and participating. If you wouldn't mind leaving an HONEST review on iTunes, we would love you even more ;)
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