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Intro music by Randall Marsh
Description: Part II of Two Bards Interview with Don Thacker
0:55. Star Trek's sexism and racism continues...
+ There Will Be Blood (IMDB)
+ Brannon Braga (wiki)
10:53. The Endcap
+ Lars von Trier (IMDB)
14:25. SOMA Transmissions
+ SOMA (website)
+ Frictional Games (website)
+ Imagos Transmissions (YouTube)
#1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6 | #7 | #8
19:16. Starr Mazer
+ Starr Mazer (kickstarter | website)
+ Motivational Growth (website)
+ Mountain Dew Pancakes (lo-fi food)
+ Williams Street Productions, LLC (wiki)
34:06. On Super Mario Maker and game design
+ Super Mario Maker (nintendo)
+ Super Mario Maker crushed my dreams of making video games (engadget.com)
+ Don's SMM level [Rock Hop; ID: D5CB-0000-0013-26BB]
+ Andy's SMM level [El Goodtimes; ID: ???]
+ Starr Mazer T-shirt (fangamer.com)
+ Shovel Knight (Yacht Club Games)
+ Space Quest 6 (wiki)
47:38. On working with a team
+ The Starr Mazer Team (starrmazer)
56:11. Rants on pretentiousness
+ Project Greenlight (IMDB)
+ The Hobbit (II): The Desolation of Smaug (IMDB)
+ Bamboozled (IMDB)
+ Collateral (IMDB)
+ The Lawnmower Man (IMDB)
+ The Milky Way Restaurant (seeing-stars.com)
1:21:56. On Subjectivity
1:28:47. On Lars
+ Lars von Trier (IMDB)
+ The Tree of Life (IMDB)
1:31:10. Bring it back around
+ StarrMazerTV (twitch)
+ Periscope (periscope.tv)
+ Don Thacker (Website | IMDB | Facebook | Twitter)
+ Imagos Films (Website | Facebook)+ Imagos Software (Website | Facebook | Twitter)
+ Motivational Growth (IMDB | Website)
+ Starr Mazer (Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube)
+ Adult Swim (Website)
Patreon support for this podcast provided by...
William Hawkes-Robinson, Lesley Sedlak, Todd McKimmey, Donald Evans, Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, Bradley Swan, Trampas Johnson, Gordon D. Duke, DigbyDavis LLC, Paula Moran, Amanda Cook, Mark Bevier, James Herbert, Adam Moore, Matthew Hunt, Tim Martin, Rob MacLennan, Lotta Djerf, Laura Adams, Tom Brophy, Tom Stewart, Douggie Sharp, Justin Everett, Britney Bemley, Brad Roberts, Jenifer Rifenbery, and Rival Guy.
P.S. Lesley Sedlak is awesome, daily.
Neil deGrasse Tyson, if you're listening....
+ Neil deGrasse Tyson: Web | Facebook | StarTalk Radio | Patreon
+ Cosmos [IMDB]
Bardic Quest: Thank you so much for your support! We appreciate all of you for listening, reading and participating. If you wouldn't mind leaving an HONEST review on iTunes, we would love you even more ;)
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