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Intro music by Randall Marsh
Description: Weeks in Review, Batman Arkham Knight, Microsoft Band, Good Mythical Morning, Questions and Answers
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0:55. Weeks in Review
+ To Kill a Mockingbird Aug 20-Sep 12 (Harlequin Productions)
+ Dirk Gently Books (amazon)
+ Russell Hodgkinson (IMDB)
+ Olympia Protest (KOMOnews)
+ Puget Sound Pizza (web)
+ Dorkness Rising Blu-Ray update (kickstarter)
+ Good Mythical Morning (YouTube)
+ Microsoft Band (Microsoft)
+ Batman Arkham Knight (web)
33:56. Rob MacLennan. News from Canada: Apparently the poutine potato chips from last year's flavour contest have become a regular flavour. So if you were going to make up a flavour of potato chips, what would it be?
38:52. Dennis Nichol. WAFFLES!!! Lamborghini, Ferrari, or Maserati?
+ Polaris Slingshot (web)
49:04. Laura Adams. I have not gotten my free windows 10 yet. From what I hear about it I am glad. Have you guys got it yet and if so what do you think of it?
+ Windows 10 (Microsoft)
+ Blue Mouse Microphone (bluemic)
56:56. Rob MacLennan. Music is frequently narrative. On one occasion I ran an entire session of the "Dark Conspiracy" role playing game, by riffing off the lyrics of "Twilight Zone" by Golden Earring. Do you have any similar stories of music-based creation?
Patreon support for this podcast provided by...
William Hawkes-Robinson, Lesley Sedlak, Todd McKimmey, Donald Evans, Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, DigbyDavis LLC, Paula Moran, Amanda Cook, Mark Bevier, James Herbert, Adam Moore, Matthew Hunt, Tim Martin, Rob MacLennan, Lotta Djerf, Laura Adams, Tom Brophy, Tom Stewart, Douggie Sharp, Justin Everett, Britney Bemley, Bradley Swan, Trampas Johnson, Gordon D. Duke, Beau Prichard, Brad Roberts, Jenifer Rifenbery, Rival Guy, and Chad Jones.
Neil deGrasse Tyson, if you're listening....
+ Neil deGrasse Tyson: Web | Facebook | StarTalk Radio | Patreon
+ Cosmos [IMDB]
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