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Description: Weeks Review, Discussions, (chain) Mail!!, Questions and Answers.
You've got mail! |
+ Camp Ambercorn (IMDB)
+ Netflix Developing 'We Hot American Summer' TV Series (screenrant)
+ Christopher Meloni (IMDB)
+ The Explorers Club w/Kevin Pitman (Taproot Theatre)
+ Nintendo 3DS (nintendo)
+ Shovel Knight (yachtclubgames)
+ Leonard Nimoy (IMDB)
+ 13th Age RPG (pelgranepress)
29:49. Mail mail from Rob MacLennan
+ (web)
37:10. Rival Guy. Do you think that VR headsets like the Oculus Rift will have cool uses for non-interactive media?
+ Oculus Rift (web)
44:37. Rob MacLennan. In the spirit of Paula Moran's question, from last week, do you have a preference in weapons for acting or gaming? Do you prefer ancient or modern weapons?
49:07. Dennis Nichol. What's the craziest insane-o thing that has happened to you during a road-trip and what was the resolution?
56:53. Dennis Nichol. If you really did have a Bardmobile-food truck (like your recent FB avatar) what kind of food would you serve out of it? Excluding poutine.... We know that's already on the menu... :)
+ Nosh (web)
+ Cheese Wizards (web)
1:05:06. Paula Moran. Science fiction or science fantasy, discuss.
+ Dystopic Radio Network w/Niles Compau (web)
1:10:12. Rob MacLennan. What are your thoughts on the ORCA LIFT farecard and the $1.50 fare for people making low incomes? (Toronto's new non crack smoking mayor pushed through a programme which allows children to ride our transit system for nothing, while simultaneously crying poverty and raising transit fees for all.)
+ ORCA LIFT farecard (The Seattle Times)
Neil deGrasse Tyson, if you're listening....
+ Neil deGrasse Tyson: Web | Facebook | StarTalk Radio
+ Cosmos (IMDB) -- on Netflix!
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