Two Bards, One Mic – Episode 83: Talking Dead

Two Bards Food Truck!
Audio Link:

Intro music by Randall Marsh
Description: Weeks in Review, Seahawks, Banter, Questions and some Answers.

+ Futurama (IMDB)
+ The Simpsons (IMDB)
+ Marge had rabbit ears (The Fact Site)
+ Big Bertha bill (KOMOnews)

12:03. Week in review
+ Starr Mazer Kickstarter  (ends  .
+ Starr Mazer (web)
+ Imagos Softworks (web)
+ Motivational Growth (IMDB)
+ Chef (IMDB)
+ This Is Where I Leave You (IMDB)
+ 10 Reasons Sleeping With a Husky Guy Is the Best (Cosmopolitan)
+ Proletariat Pizza Rat City (web)

26:40. DeflateGate
+ Bill Nye Tackles DeflateGate (FunnyOrDie)
+ Nick Kent's FB Post (Facebook)
+ Junior Seau's bran had CTE (ESPN)
+ League of Denial: The NFL's Concussion Crisis (IMDB | PBS). Also available on Netflix.

37:45. Q. Rob MacLennan. Other than the Seattle area is there somewhere you'd really like to make your home? If so, what is it that attracts you to that place?

45:53. Q. Rob MacLennan. My first post got rightly called out by Joanna Gaskell for spoilers. I forgot that episode of Standard Action hadn't been generally released yet. So Scott, is there a better than average chance that we'll be seeing Baldur, the beardy Elf of Science, in the next season of Standard Action? You know that I'd be helping to hit that stretch goal, especially if it involved getting Andy the beardy Alchemist in on the action.
+ Standard Action (IMDB | Web | FB)
+ ep:3.5: There and Back  (YouTube)

49:20. Q. Laura Adams. Are you going to World Con here in Spokane in August?
+ Star Trek Continues (web)
+ Star Trek Continues 2015 "Kirkstarter 2.0" (ends Mon, Feb 16 2015 at 9:36a PST)
+ Sasquan -- WorldCon2015 (web)
+ SpoCon2015?? (From their FB page Nov 10, 2014: Q. Does anyone know what month SpoCon will be? A. We are still waiting on a few things to gel before announcing a date. Sorry for the wait!)
53:03 Q. Paula Moran. What's you opinion on the whole zombie craze?

Neil deGrasse Tyson, if you're listening....
+ Neil deGrasse Tyson: Web | Facebook | StarTalk Radio
+ Cosmos (IMDB) -- on Netflix!
