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Description: Weeks in review, Harry's Chicken Joint, Rants, Questions and Answers, Dallas Sucks, Go Hawks!!
Scott's week:
Finishing up shoot for Depth the Film.
+ Depth: IMDB+ Imagos Films: Tumblr | Facebook
+ Left Jet Studios (web)
Andy's week:
+ A Zombie Orpheus Showcase at Scarecrow Video (facebook). Another is planned for Nov. 15th.
+ ZOECon2014 - Nov 21-23, 2014.
11:40 Food Coma
+ Harry's Chicken Joint: Web | Facebook
18:13. Q. Gordon Duke. How does their chicken compare to Ezell's
20:40. Q. Anon. Did you ask how much insulin and lipitor the owners were on?
+ OS X Yosemite (Apple)
+ Maverick (IMDB)
+ Orphan Black (IMDB)
+ Jeff Bezos (wiki)
Evan & Bobbi: A Twisted Christmas Carol (more info next week)
+ STAGEright Theatre: Web | Facebook
41:47. Q. Dennis Nichol. What is your guys' Top 5 Detective <Movie, Play, and/or TV Series> ?
+ Sherlock (IMDB)
+ Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries (IMDB)
+ Clue (IMDB)
+ The Bloodhound Gang / 3-2-1 Contact (IMDB)
+ Dreamcatcher (IMDB)
+ Pushing Daisies (IMDB)
49:06. Q. Paula Moran. Munsters or Addams Family, and the series or movies?
+ Fred Gwynne (IMDB)
+ Conner Marx (IMDB)
+ Z Nation (IMDB)
51:57. Q. Thomas Brophy. Happy Bday Andy! If you had the power to have any wish granted, what would you want? Oh and Go Cowboys!
Neil deGrasse Tyson, if you're listening....
+ Neil deGrasse Tyson: Web | Facebook | StarTalk Radio
+ Cosmos (IMDB) -- on Netflix!
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