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Description: Weekly roundup, questions, answers, a Two Bards debate
+ Jaws (IMDB)
+ Richard Kiel (IMDB)
+ Alien (IMDB)
+ Roy Scheider (IMDB)
+ Robert Shaw (IMDB)
+ Shaw's Monologue from Jaws (YouTube)
+ Jaws: The Inside Story - Documentary (YouTube)
+ Schwarzenegger punches a horse (Youtube)
+ Sledge Hammer! (IMDB)
+ Beavers (IMDB)
+ Supernatural (IMDB)
+ Arrow (IMDB)
+ The Flash (1990) (IMDB)
+ The Flash (2014) (IMDB)
19:49. Q. Laura Adams. Are you doing anything fun for Halloween?
+ Andy as GamerGate (Facebook)
22:21. Shawn Shelton's GoFundMe campaign
+ Replace Shawn's stolen kit (GoFundMe)
25:30. Q. Douglas Michael. Windows 10, upgrade from 7. yes or no?
27:23. Q. Paula Moran. Marvel or DC, and who are your favorite characters?
+ Vertigo Comics (web)
33:33. Q. Rob MacLennan. What did you think of Constantine (or did you see it yet)?
+ Constantine (IMDB)
+ The Books of Magic (wikipedia)
+ Kingdom Come [Kindle Edition] (Amazon)
44:20 Happy Birthday Dennis Nichol.
+ BASEketball (IMDB)
47:58. Q. Paula Moran. What would your optimum Halloween weekend consist of?
52:18. Q. Paula Moran. Are either of you doing anything for Day of the Dead?
+ Day of the Dead (wikipedia)
+ A Zombie Orpheus Showcase - Live screening at Scarecrow Video on Nov 1.
54:36. Q. Seth Davis. What's Andy's favorite alcohol.
+ Effen Dutch Raspberry Vodka (Effen)
+ Lagavulin 16 (Master of Malt)
57:40. Q. Dennis Nichol. So what's your guys' take on GamerGate?
+ Gamergate controversy (wikipedia)
+ Felicia Day's post on Gamer Gate (tumblr)
+ Tulsa race riot (wikipedia)
Neil deGrasse Tyson, if you're listening....
+ Neil deGrasse Tyson: Web | Facebook | StarTalk Radio
+ Cosmos (IMDB) -- on Netflix!
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