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Description: Weeks in Review, Movie Reviews, Pizza Delivery, Live Questions Answered, Questions and Answers, Plantive Pleadings
+ Tusk (IMDB)
Movies to avoid:
+ A Million Ways to Die in the West (IMDB)
+ Under the Skin (IMDB)
+ Nymphomaniac (IMDB)
+ Blood Rain (IMDB)
Movie not to avoid:
+ Lone Survivor (IMDB)
6:00. Q. Chip Fursdon. Have either of you seen the short, The Gunfighter?
+ The Gunflighter (IMDB)
6:24. Q. Douglas Michel. Has either of you played R9E, and if so, what did you think?
+ Romance of the Nine Empires (web)
9:50. Scott's Week.
+ Broncos vs. Seahawks (NFL)
+ Taproot Theatre Company (web)
13:54. Andy's Week.
+ Star Citizen (kickstarter)
+ Star Citizen (web)
15:17. Q. Paula Moran. Have you played Destiny yet and if so what did you think?
+ Destiny (web)
16:53. Q. Laura Adams. You have a dog?
+ Humans and Households (youtube)
18:45. The Beau Prichard Interruption courtesy Dennis Nichol.
+ Demon Hunters RPG Kickstarter (kickstarter) |
+ Based on the FATE Core system (DriveThruRPG)
+ ZOECon2014 (web) |
+ ZOECon Group (facebook)
30:22. Q. Laura Adams. What are your rational and irrational fears?
34:23. Q. Chip Fursdon. What is the answer to 'Who runs Bard-ertown?'
35:05. Q. Dennis Nichol. In your professional opinions -- do you think that "Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome" would have been a decent (or better, if you already think it's decent) film, had it contained a perfectly appropriate musical score for its genre/theme instead of Jazz?
+ Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (IMDB)
+ Queens Logic (IMDB)
39:39. Q. Mister Kitty. Do you like cats?
41:30. Q. Justin Everett. What resources do you prefer to use when trying to learn an accent?
+ Dialect Accent Specialists, Inc (web) | David Allen Stern
+ The Dialect Resource (web) | Gillian Lane-Plascia
+ One Woman, 17 British Accents (YouTube)
Neil deGrasse Tyson, if you're listening....
+ Neil deGrasse Tyson: Web | Facebook | StarTalk Radio
+ Cosmos (IMDB) -- on Netflix!
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