Two Bards, One Mic – Episode 42 RadCon 6B LIVE!!

Audio Link:

Recorded Live at RadCon, listen at your own risk, it’s kind of a train wreck, but we posted it anyway. You have been warned…

Intro music by Randall Marsh

+ RadCon (web)
+ David the Gnome (YouTube)
+ Scott’s kidney stone photo (Facebook)

Q. Gordon Duke. How will the Two Bards celebrate if Neil deGrasse Tyson does bukkake your podcast?

Q. Mike from NW Nerdcast. Who after NdGT?
NW Nerdcast (Web)
NW Nerdcast (Facebook)

Q. Ron from NW Nerdcast. How do you deal with hecklers?

Q. Can you tell us about your new-found menu?

Q. Are you actual bards?
+ Farce and Violence (YouTube)

Q. Why and when did you start this?

Q. How many different guests have you had on your podcast?

Q. What are your projects coming up?
+ Lunch (Moon Bullet Studios, Facebook)
+ Glass Cannons (Youtube Trailer)
+ Ignatius Pendergrass (Facebook)

Q. Thoughts on triceratops not being a dinosaur anymore?
+ Fromage à Trois (YouTube)

Q. What would it take to make a show unusable?

Q. Are you stealing more ideas for future podcasts?

Q. Marvel or DC?

Q. How do you feel about Darkhorse having it’s Star Wars license pulled?
+ Love at First Bite (IMDB)
+ George Hamilton (IMDB)

Q. Have you seen Vampire’s Kiss?
+ Vampire’s Kiss (IMDB)
+ Terminator 2 (IMDB)
+ Lord of the Rings (IMDB)
+ Nick Cage (IMDB)

Q. Have you watched an American movie in a different language?
+ Pirates of the Caribbean (IMDB)

+ Neil deGrasse Tyson (web)
